The team that makes it happen
Jonathan White – Visionary Team 277-8194
Devanne White - Visionary Team 227-8229
Don Smith - Formations, Connections and Art Director 227-3827
Don Smith - Formations, Connections and Art Director 227-3827
Dustin Alexander - Sound 227-0511
Christian Rice - Sound Assistant
Christian Rice - Sound Assistant
Jacob White - Lighting Design and Operation 559-5452
Parker Gott - Lighting Assistant
Parker Gott - Lighting Assistant
Georgia Rafferty - Photography
Brandon Diaz - Staging/Equipment
Jordan Rice - Setup
- Tear Down
Brandon Diaz - Staging/Equipment
Jordan Rice - Setup
- Tear Down
Brittany Bailey - Coffee Bar
Jennifer Dunbar - Mind blowing Eats
Lena Diaz - Registration /Ambiance Assistant
Speaking and Music:
Jennifer Dunbar - Mind blowing Eats
Lena Diaz - Registration /Ambiance Assistant
Speaking and Music:
Melissa How - Evening Worship/Speaking
Caleb Warren - HM (Neighborhood Church Youth Band)
Gabe Kossol - Rockband (worship edition), The Stirring Band
Jonny Hayasaka - Chico/Paradise Youth Band
Nate Edwardson - Evening Movement
Devanne and Jonathan - En Route Band/speaking
Caleb Warren - HM (Neighborhood Church Youth Band)
Gabe Kossol - Rockband (worship edition), The Stirring Band
Jonny Hayasaka - Chico/Paradise Youth Band
Nate Edwardson - Evening Movement
Devanne and Jonathan - En Route Band/speaking
Worship Fair (shoptalk)
Vocal –
Electric Guitar – Noel Agular
Acoustic Guitar/ Worship Leader – Jon Wheeler
Pick Toss -
Pick Toss -
Bass –
Drums –Eric Ghelfi
Keys – Dustin Alexander
Photo Booth - Georgia, Jacob
Photo Booth - Georgia, Jacob
Art – Don Smith
Songwriting -
Guitar Lessons -
Ministry Networking -
Worship Academy - Gabe Kossol
Open Table - Steve Martin
Flying Tigers - Kevin, Joseph, Conor, Eric. . .
En Route Band -
Songwriting -
Guitar Lessons -
Ministry Networking -
Worship Academy - Gabe Kossol
Open Table - Steve Martin
Flying Tigers - Kevin, Joseph, Conor, Eric. . .
En Route Band -